You are Enough: Plant wisdom to interrupt scarcity mindset

with Deborah Connolly, Clinical Intern
Live Class:

 Wednesday October 23
6 - 8  pm ET

When you register, you'll receive a zoom link to join the live class. You'll find the recording and slides posted in your course dashboard shortly after each live event.  

You can access this course, view the video replay, and download slides and handouts for one year from registration date.

Course Summary

For many of us, our first thought in the morning, before even opening our eyes is “I didn’t get enough sleep”. We start the day already lacking, and continue an inner monologue of not good enough, not successful enough, or fill-in-the-blank not ________ enough. We come by this mindset honestly and it isn’t by accident. A profit-driven society, compounded by social media comparison culture feeds these stories of discontent, which keep us perpetually trying and buying. But the plants have a different story to share.

By inviting in plants, as companions and allies, this class will explore simple ways to slow down, re-set, and remember our place as part of nature in the interconnected whole of life.  

About the Instructor

Deborah understands the bond between food and healing; seeds planted in childhood grew into herbalism as a parent. A partner, mother, writer, earth-tender and apprentice, Deborah leads with her heart. For her, herbalism involves re-forming relationships between plants, humans and the earth – and the radical, transformative healing born from this reconnection. Deborah trusts in the body’s innate wisdom and self-healing ability, and feels plants are vital allies. With an integrated body/mind/spirit approach, Deborah offers compassionate, collaborative herbal care that recognizes each person’s unique journey. All people and health concerns welcome – special interests include perimenopausal support and postpartum care.

Course Pricing

General / Non-member

$10 USD


Reduced Rate

$5 USD


VCIH Member / Current Student

